META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Easter Rarities 中國出口銀器: 復活節的珍寶

  CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Easter Rarities   中國出口銀器: 復活節的珍寶 While religious items of Chinese Export Silver are relatively rare, they certainly do exist for the Muslim and Jewish faiths, both of which were minority religions that had relevancy to China, with items with Hindu decorative imagery obviously existing in larger numbers. Christian religious objects, though, […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Enamel Revival Phenomenon 中國出口銀器:琺瑯的復興現象

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Enamel Revival Phenomenon 中國出口銀器: 琺瑯的復興現象

The art of cloisonné is often looked upon as a Chinese art and in some respects it is a correct assumption, however cloisonné, as a technique finds its roots back in the 13 century BCE Mycenaean era and the Mediterranean – or at least the earliest known examples are to be found there. Since this […]

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