假消息 Fake news? Western auction houses and e-commerce sites seem worryingly oblivious to the increasing presence of Chinese “copies”

Few categories of antiques are immune to fakery; copies that manifest in varying degrees of passable authenticity, or at least at first glance. Fakes, replicas, copies – whatever one wishes to call them, have existed almost as long as the real thing and it’s been so for centuries and Chinese artisans have been considered the […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER – The East-West Divide 中國出口銀器:東西方的分裂

 CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The East-West Divide 中國出口銀器:東西方的分裂 Well into his third year of research, Adrien von Ferscht has always maintained a deep appreciation of the neo-classical Chinese Export Silver – a product of the late 18th/early 19th centuries. As his research has progressed, he has become increasingly aware of the trend of the majority of Chinese […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER – The Glasgow Connection 中國出口銀器: 格拉斯哥的聯系

#ChineseExportSilver There are more similarities between the port cities of Glasgow and Canton in the early 19th century than one might think, apart from the obvious fact they were both thriving port cities where the very existence of each city was inextricably linked to the port. By the 17th century, both Canton and Glasgow had […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER – The 19th Century Phenomenon Equivalent to the iPad! 中國出口銀器: 十九世紀的相等於今天萍果平版的現像

  The 1842 Treaty of Nanking broke the habit of a lifetime; after over 2500 years, China could no longer be the closely guarded introspective nation it had been, but even with the enforced opening of the fortress-like doors the treaty was in reality more of a fissure rather the hoped-for wide open gateway that […]

META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER – Discovering the New Master Silversmith of Shanghai 中國出口銀器: 發現上海的新銀匠大師

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Discovering the New Master Silversmith of Shanghai  中國出口銀器: 發現上海的新銀匠大師 Having researched Chinese Export Silver for well over three years now, I was quick to realise very early on that anything connected with Chinese history and culture is likely to be complex, to say the least. I have since realised that it is […]

META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Longest Tea Party the World’s Ever Seen! PART 2 中國出口銀器: 有史以來最長的茶具 之二

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Longest Tea Party the World’s Ever Seen! PART 2 中國出口銀器: 有史以來最長的茶具 之二 We continue the story of the inextricable link between the China Tea Trade and Chinese Export Silver with two images that are rather at odds with each other. The picture in the header to this article paints a rather […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Longest Tea Party the World’s Ever Seen! PART 1 中國出口銀器: 有史以來最長的茶具 之一

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Longest Tea Party the World’s Ever Seen! PART 1   中國出口銀器: 有史以來最長的茶具  之一 My research has long made me aware of the inextricable links between The China Trade  period and Chinese Export Silver; without the former, Chinese Export Silver simply would not have existed. Although the official period of the trade […]

META-MUSEUM: Chinese Export Silver: Canton Georgian Gems in Massachusetts 在馬薩諸塞州的廣東喬治亞風瑰寶

Chinese Export Silver: Canton Georgian Gems in Massachusetts                                                                                                 […]


THE CONSUMMATE GEORGIAN SILVERSMITH OF CANTON                                                                                        一位技術高超的喬治時期廣東銀匠 I write prodigiously about Chinese Export Silver and, if I lived in an ideal world, I would like to think that gradually I am raising the awareness of this highly significant silver category to the height it rightly deserves. Chinese Export Silver ranks amongst some of the […]

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