Qing Dynasty Silver Meets the Ancient Art of Penjing 清代銀器遇上古代盆景藝術

Bonsai [kanji 盆栽] has become known across the Western world as well as much of Asia, yet as an English noun it has only existed as a dictionary word since 1950 describing, in the main, the rather enigmatic world of individual miniature trees that have been painstakingly clipped and trained; it has morphed into being […]


  DEFINITELY NOT A BAT OUT OF HELL!    西蝠非福,中蝠亦福  The auspicious attachment to the bat in China highlights how different two cultures can be. In the West, the bat has almost always had sinister overtones. In China, however, it was far different. There is an aura that has evolved around the Chinese Export Silver […]

Chinese Filigree Silver Fit for a Queen 为女王量身定做的中国花丝镶嵌银器

Chinese Silver Fit for a Queen

There is no set like it; nothing that even comes faintly near it. It is an extensive 47-piece suite of Chinese tea wares made entirely of filigree silver-gilt overlay, most pieces having a solid silver-gilt inner form. It was probably created in the latter part of the 18th century, the likelihood being that Canton was […]

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