META-MUSEUM: Pearl River Meets East River Over a Chinese Export Silver Box! 珠江在一個中國出口銀盒上遇到了紐約的東河!

Pearl River Meets East River Over a Chinese Export Silver Box! 珠江在一個中國出口銀盒上遇到了紐約的東河! For a nation that had been almost totally introspective to the point of being hermetically sealed off for hundreds of years, it never ceases to amaze me how inextricably linked the phenomenon that is Chinese Export Silver is to America, in particular the […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: An Almighty Battle Royal Over a Tea Set! 中國出口銀器: 一套茶具上的偉大戰役!

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: An Almighty Battle Royal Over a Tea Set!    中國出口銀器: 一套茶具上的偉大戰役! Inundated though I am with images of Chinese Export Silver, both shared by others from around the world and unearthed by me in my research quest, not a week goes by without at least one specimen taking my breath away. Cape […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Art of the Silver Cage 中國出口銀器: 銀籠子的藝術

Chinese Export Silver produced some extraordinary silversmiths by anyone’s standards; a much-used statement by me and one I am oft criticised about. There is an unwritten  hierarchy of perceived best makers in the Western world in the 18th and 19th centuries; sadly, Chinese silversmiths were not even considered eligible to this exclusive virtual club. Chinese […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The oddities, the mysteries & sometimes the agonies! 中國出口銀器: 奇異的, 神秘的, 也有時令人苦惱的.

One of the many advantages of being known as carrying out in-depth research into Chinese Export Silver and its complex history is that I receive a huge number of images from people from around the world. The volume has increased as readership grows; a noticeable spike in the graph occurred when I began collaborating with […]

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