Auction houses are ideal platforms for judging buying trends which by default would also include prevailing values. In a recent sale at Dreweatts in the UK, 39 Chinese Export Silver delivered some surprises; it goes without saying that the majority of buyers were from China. The trend at this sale and recently at other auction […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Enamel Revival Phenomenon 中國出口銀器:琺瑯的復興現象

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Enamel Revival Phenomenon 中國出口銀器: 琺瑯的復興現象

The art of cloisonné is often looked upon as a Chinese art and in some respects it is a correct assumption, however cloisonné, as a technique finds its roots back in the 13 century BCE Mycenaean era and the Mediterranean – or at least the earliest known examples are to be found there. Since this […]

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