CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: “Sailing into the tiger’s mouth”

The SHING WO [SHENG HE] 和勝 artisan silver workshop in Canton was probably the most masterful in creating detailed miniature items of silver; a much-overlooked area of late Qing and Republic era Chinese silver-making. What the West would probably call a “junk boat” finds its roots back in the Han dynasty; the Qing dynasty equivalent […]


THE INFLUENCE OF THE TRIADS ON THE DECORATIVE ARTS IN CHINA  三合會對中國和香港的裝飾藝術之影響 Style, the demand for style and the supply of style is an extremely fine-tuned, complex equation that only requires a small weakness in one element and the equation is compromised. Style icons are also an essential factor in creating a momentum for style […]


CHINESE EXPORT SILVER AND THE ENLIGHTENED RENAISSANCE   中國出口銀器: 被啟蒙的文藝復興 Chinese Export Silver always adapted to the realities of Chinese history; it was, after all, a product of that history,as such, it has qualities that no other silver category possesses. Viewed in the overall context of China, it is an excellent indicator of prevailing historical […]

META-MUSEUM: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER – The Glasgow Connection 中國出口銀器: 格拉斯哥的聯系

#ChineseExportSilver There are more similarities between the port cities of Glasgow and Canton in the early 19th century than one might think, apart from the obvious fact they were both thriving port cities where the very existence of each city was inextricably linked to the port. By the 17th century, both Canton and Glasgow had […]

META-MUSEUM: WANG HING – Discovering the True Identity of a Genius 宏興: 發現一個天才的真正身份

Since the discovery of Wang Hing & Company by Crosby Forbes in the 1960’s, the name has become synonymous with Chinese Export Silver, yet virtually nothing was known about the company. This is a historic moment: for the first time in the research of this unique silver category, the true name of the family behind […]

META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Catherine the Great Comes to Town! 中國出口銀器: 凱薩琳大帝來了!

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Catherine the Great Comes to Town! 中國出口銀器: 凱薩琳大帝來了! Catherine the Great could never be called a simple girl; to do so would be a gross understatement of the reality that was this supremely extrovert empress. Here we see her inaugurating the new Imperial Academy of Art in 1765 at the Shuvalov Palace […]

META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Longest Tea Party the World’s Ever Seen! PART 2 中國出口銀器: 有史以來最長的茶具 之二

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Longest Tea Party the World’s Ever Seen! PART 2 中國出口銀器: 有史以來最長的茶具 之二 We continue the story of the inextricable link between the China Tea Trade and Chinese Export Silver with two images that are rather at odds with each other. The picture in the header to this article paints a rather […]

META-MUSEUM: The Complex Hierarchy of The China Trade Relative to the Chinese Export Silver Trade 相對於中國出口銀貿易而言的中國貿易之複雜階級制度

Chinese Export Silver was very much a product of the China Trade, but the period between 1757-1842 is now known as the Old China Trade. Despite frenetic attempts by the Emperor to restrict European merchants, citizens and their trading to Macau, it began to spread throughout China. The Canton System was devised to control trade […]

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