Posted by Adrien von Ferscht on April 6, 2021 · 1 Comment
In the past year there has been a noticeable increase in interest in Chinese silver miniature items from both the late Qing dynasty and the Republic era. Quite coincidentally this has been a period where my own research has focussed on collating and recording these items on the fast-growing image database that is part and […]
THE INFLUENCE OF THE TRIADS ON THE DECORATIVE ARTS IN CHINA 三合會對中國和香港的裝飾藝術之影響 Style, the demand for style and the supply of style is an extremely fine-tuned, complex equation that only requires a small weakness in one element and the equation is compromised. Style icons are also an essential factor in creating a momentum for style […]
Category meta museum · Tags #ChineseExportSilver, Adrien von Ferscht, Anna May Wong, Asia Scotland Institute, Canton, Chiang Kai-shek, China, chinese export silver, Dreweatts, Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, Du Yuesheng, Hong Kong, Luen Hing, Madame Chang Kai-Chek, Madame Chiang, Scottish Centre for China Research, Shanghai, Shanghai Express, Soong Sisters, Sun Yat-sen, Triad, Triads, University of Glasgow, Wang Hing
CHINESE EXPORT SILVER AND THE ENLIGHTENED RENAISSANCE 中國出口銀器: 被啟蒙的文藝復興 Chinese Export Silver always adapted to the realities of Chinese history; it was, after all, a product of that history,as such, it has qualities that no other silver category possesses. Viewed in the overall context of China, it is an excellent indicator of prevailing historical […]
Category meta museum · Tags #ChineseExportSilver, Adrien von Ferscht, Asia Scotland Institute, Beijing, Canton, Canton System, chinese export silver, Chinese Renaissance, chinese silver marks, Cixi, CUTSHING, Dowager Empress Cixi, Dreweatts, Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, Forbidden City, Hong Kong, Make China Strong, Scottish Centre for China Research, Shanghai, The China Trade, University of Glasgow, Wang Hing
Posted by Adrien von Ferscht on May 21, 2014 · 1 Comment
T’OU SÈ WÈ 土山湾: THE BIRTHPLACE OF CHINESE MODERN CREATIVE ARTS The T’ou Sè Wè Legacy That a Jesuit orphanage and school in Shanghai founded in the 19th century should be the cradle of modern creative art in China is extraordinary in itself, but it is firmly rooted in a significant Jesuit presence in China […]
Category meta museum · Tags #ChineseExportSilver, Adrien von Ferscht, China, chinese export silver, Dreweatts, Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, Empress Dowager Cixi, Hergé, Jesuits, Madame Chang Kai-Chek, Matteo Ricci, Scottish Centre for China Research, Shanghai, Tintin, University of Glasgow, WorthPoint, Xu Beihong, Zhang Chong Ren
CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: The Huge Influence of the Early 20th Century Chinese Department Stores 中國出口銀器: 二十世紀初中國百貨公司業的巨大影響 Department stores were first introduced to China in the late 19th century but they came in the guise of foreign chains or investors who were doing nothing more than trying to establish lucrative colonial implants that had previously appeared on […]
Category meta museum · Tags #ChineseExportSilver, Adrien von Ferscht, China, chinese export silver, Chinese Export Silver Makers' Marks, Dreweatts, Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, Hong Kong, jiguan, Meta Museum, Scottish Centre for China Research, Shanghai, Sincere, The Sincere Company, University of Glasgow, Wang Hing, Wing On
Posted by Adrien von Ferscht on February 6, 2014 · Leave a Comment
CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Discovering the New Master Silversmith of Shanghai 中國出口銀器: 發現上海的新銀匠大師 Having researched Chinese Export Silver for well over three years now, I was quick to realise very early on that anything connected with Chinese history and culture is likely to be complex, to say the least. I have since realised that it is […]
Category meta museum · Tags #ChineseExportSilver, Adrien von Ferscht, China Trade, CHINESE, chinese export silver, Chinese Export Silver Makers' Marks, EXPORT, Luen Wo, Meta Museum, Ning Zhao Ji, Scottish Centre for China Research, Shanghai, SILVER, Tientsin, University of Glasgow