META-MUSEUM: WANG HING – Discovering the True Identity of a Genius 宏興: 發現一個天才的真正身份

Since the discovery of Wang Hing & Company by Crosby Forbes in the 1960’s, the name has become synonymous with Chinese Export Silver, yet virtually nothing was known about the company. This is a historic moment: for the first time in the research of this unique silver category, the true name of the family behind […]


CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: “CABINET OF CURIOSITIES” 中國出口銀器: 珍奇百寶屋 Sometimes I have to pinch myself; I must be one of the luckiest people on the planet because I get to see so many beautiful objects very single day. I am also lucky that Chinese silversmiths had a wicked sense of humour which they often expressed in […]

META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Catherine the Great Comes to Town! 中國出口銀器: 凱薩琳大帝來了!

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Catherine the Great Comes to Town! 中國出口銀器: 凱薩琳大帝來了! Catherine the Great could never be called a simple girl; to do so would be a gross understatement of the reality that was this supremely extrovert empress. Here we see her inaugurating the new Imperial Academy of Art in 1765 at the Shuvalov Palace […]


CHINESE EXPORT SILVER GOES HEAVY METAL!   中國出口銀器也玩重金屬! It would be perfectly logical to expect Chinese Export Silver to be exactly what it says on the can; silver made for the export market in mind. The art of silversmithing is, after all, a very exacting and particular skill. To discover examples of this quite unique silver […]

META-MUSEUM:CHINESE EXPORT SILVER – Discovering the New Master Silversmith of Shanghai 中國出口銀器: 發現上海的新銀匠大師

CHINESE EXPORT SILVER: Discovering the New Master Silversmith of Shanghai  中國出口銀器: 發現上海的新銀匠大師 Having researched Chinese Export Silver for well over three years now, I was quick to realise very early on that anything connected with Chinese history and culture is likely to be complex, to say the least. I have since realised that it is […]

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